Hope is the thing with feathers

I never cease to be amazed when an artist can transform a mundane item into an objet  d’art. My very talented cousin, Harriet Winograd, has a created series of portraits of distinguished women painted on hubcaps. One is of the poet Emily Dickinson, featured on this post. Harriet has included the opening line and title of Dickinson’s poem “ Hope is the thing with feathers” on the hubcap as well. Here is the first stanza of the poem:

“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without words,

And never stops at all,    

Art and Hurricane Maria

Harriet Winograd, my very talented artist cousin, has created a splendid painting/collage diptych, 4’X4’, which she has named “Hurricane Maria.” Harriet, who is based in the Hartford, Connecticut area, would like to exhibit this piece as well as other works of hers in an exhibit, where a portion of the proceeds of the sales would go charitable organizations that help the people of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the hurricane.
If any of my readers know of a possible exhibit venue in New England or the New York City area for Harriet’s exhibit, please email me at richardreeder34@gmail.com, and I will forward the information to her.